Golf Digest Fitness Editor, Ron Kaspriske, demonstrates some jumping exercises for better golf. For more information on all of Ron’s Fitness Friday tips visit
Archive for Fitness
The Turkish Sit-Up
Golf Digest Fitness Editor, Ron Kaspriske, demonstrates the Turkish Sit-up! Check out the entire “Fitness Friday” Series at
Physio-Ball Routine
Golf Digest Fitness Editor, Ron Kaspriske, demonstrates a physio-ball routine. Check out the entire “Fitness Friday” Series at
T-Spine Rotation
Golf Digest Fitness Editor, Ron Kasprise, shows how to increase your T-Spine Rotation. Check out the entire “Fitness Friday” Series at
Explosive Power
Golf Digest Fitness Editor, Ron Kaspriske, shares an exercise for developing explosive power! Check out the entire “Fitness Friday” Series at
Posture Perfect!

Fitness is a big part of playing powerfully and pain free. Just as important, it’s a means to living powerfully off the course as well. In this quick tip, I’ve teamed up with “Make The Turn” Fitness Partner, “Method Athlete” to show you how to build a perfect posture as Read more…