Jeff Ritter shares a story from his book, “Your Kid Ate a Divot! Eighteen Life Lessons From the Links.” This chapter titled “Spirit of the Game” is the perfect story for fathers and sons who love the game of golf!
Jeff Ritter shares his attack plan for longer drives!
Jeff Ritter creates a visual image to help hone your awareness while making a swing change.
Jeff Ritter shares a quick tip for honing your speed on the greens!
Jeff Ritter shares his ideas on how Tiger Woods can improve his swing in 2010!
Jeff Ritter shares his unique perspective on the game with ESPN 1280 Los Angeles. Click Here to Listen! Jeff is a respected coach, author and speaker. He teaches at the Raven Golf Club – Phoenix. For more, visit jefftheaposition.com/rittergolf
Top coach, Jeff Ritter shows you just how easy bunker shots can be with the proper mindset!