Clip Six
In football, when an offense is an inch away from a touchdown, all it has to do is move the tip of the football across the plane of the goal line to score. For crisp iron shots, pretend your golf ball is on the brink of the goal line. To punch through and score a touchdown, all you have to do is create a divot on the goal line—in other words, the divot should be in front of the ball. This thought will get you to swing down on an aggressive angle, make ball-first contact and then create a divot.
As you take your game to the course, make your practice swings next to your ball, rehearsing success. The “Clip Six” is when your divot brushes forward into your end zone for 6 points, the number of points awarded for a touchdown in football. Rehearse 1-2 swings that clip forward into your imaginary end zone, then step up and swing away with confidence!
For more information about JRG and “Make The Turn” Click Here.
Image and content originally seen in Golf Digest Magazine
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