Jeff Ritter shares his unique perspective on the game with ESPN 1280 Los Angeles. Click Here to Listen! Jeff is a respected coach, author and speaker. He teaches at the Raven Golf Club – Phoenix. For more, visit jefftheaposition.com/rittergolf
Jeff Ritter shares his unique perspective on the game with ESPN 1280 Los Angeles. Click Here to Listen! Jeff is a respected coach, author and speaker. He teaches at the Raven Golf Club – Phoenix. For more, visit jefftheaposition.com/rittergolf
When helping golfers, I always remind my students they are engaging in a sport which is designed to be played with a circular movement. A baseball swing, side-arm throw, a forehand in tennis and your golf swing, must move in a pure circular motion. Oftentimes we hear advice such as, Read more…
Jeff Ritter shows how to easily cure a slice by honing the quality of your waggle!
Jeff Ritter brings his unique and dynamic approach to coaching to The A Position!