Miura Golf makes world class forged irons and the company says they “understand the value of a good finish. Just as with a golf swing, the right finish on a golf club can elevate it from wonderful to sublime.”
Following that philosophy Miura’s new Black Boron finish irons will only be available at the rate of 10 sets each month.
The Boron finish is a delicate manufacturing process that requires switching over the finishing production line from the usual nickel chrome setup. So far they have made sets of the CB-501s and Passing Point 9003s in this new Black Boron and the initial sets sold out rapidly.
“We’ve found black finishes so popular that we really had to look into making these, even though we can only manage small quantities and maintain Miura standards,” said Adam Barr, president of Miura. The Black Boron’s color density makes it look more deeply black than other black finishes; that’s partially a result of the process, which gets the boron deep into the finish. The coloring is very durable as well. And the Black Borons offer one more black option for Miura enthusiasts. Our other black finish, the one on the Limited Forged Black Blades and Black Wedges, fades over time into a silvery-grey patina.
Suggested retail cost of the Black Boron irons will be $2275 for a set (4-PW) or $325 per club. Interested in buying a Black Boron set? Go to www.MiuraGolf.com to find a Miura authorized dealer/fitter or email info@miuragolf.com.
Photos courtesy Miura Golf