Pure Strike Keys to Consistency

I’m beginning to like training aids a bit more than in the past (maybe I’m just getting old), but despite all of the new gizmos and gadgets – high-tech and low-tech – on the market, I keep coming back to one. That’s the Medicus lineup of products that includes the dual hinge driver and iron and OverSpin CM2i putter.

The Medicus dual hinge driver

The dual hinge driver and iron, I believe, are still among the best – if not the best – swing training aids developed in the past 20 years.

But even with those training aids, no two golf swings are quite the same.  Think about the difference between Ben Hogan’s swing and that Tiger Woods (this week) or Jim Furyk. But as diverse as those swings – and other swings – are, they have some basic things in common. In a recent, Medicus Golf identified five basic elements that every great golfer has in common.

Called the “Pure Strike Keys to Consistency,” they are principals that can help all golfers hit the ball with repeated accuracy and steady distance, which leads to better scores.

They are:

Steady Head

Weight forward

Flat left wrist

Sweet spot path

Club face control

Developed in conjunction with PGA professionals Dave Wedzik, Chuck Evans and Randy Sparks, in-depth details of the Pure Strike Keys can be found on the new website www.purestrike.com.  The site contains information, videos and will also feature links to webinars on each of the Pure Strike Keys.

Medicus is developing training aids for each Pure Strike Key to help golfers engrain the fundamentals. All five training aids can be purchased through the website.


2 Responses to “Pure Strike Keys to Consistency”

  1. Lakecd

    Just a rehash of the essences of the Stack & Tilt. Sean Foley did it, now Medicus.

  2. Ramonafitness

    I would totally agree that this is stack and tilt just using different terms to make it not sound so ST. As a TPI Pro and former ST golfer this is ST. I do like a number of the keys, actually all of them. One component that must be emphasized is the slide to lessen the steep angle of attack that can happen. In fact medicus I think, was the distributor of ST in the beginning.


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