It’s “Time” Again For The Rolex Top 1000

Just a couple of years back saw the first edition of the Rolex World’s Top 1000 Golf Courses. I just received the 2nd such publication which is just as awesome. I don’t know how many golfers realize that there are some 32,000 golf courses located around the world. That’s a lot of fairways and greens for these folks to cover. Thanks to the team of 200 independent, qualified inspectors throughout the world that have reviewed courses within their area that are contained in the edition.

The thing that I like the most in the Rolex edition is the fact that the information golfers are getting comes from unbiased people that are just “filling in the blanks” for required information that Rolex requires. You can read each and every evaluation and take from it what you want….with plenty to take from.

I think one of the benefits from this 2nd edition is the fact that Rolex perhaps gave a second look to golf courses they had previously omitted because there are relatively few new courses being built world-wide because of the downturn in the golf economy. Yes, Rolex has still included some countries and courses making their first appearance which should benefit those countries – hopefully. This will obviously appeal to players that like to travel across the world to play golf. To all of my golfing buddies that live here in the United States, this book is a definite “must have” with a cost of only $35…less then a dozen Pro-V’s. Whether staying and playing in the States or traveling to play in China, this book has just about everything you need to know about the golf courses, its amenities, surrounding attractions and lodging and even provides necessary telephone numbers! It helps you with everything….except a new putting stroke!


TOPICS: Courses and Travel, Golf

ABOUT: Dennis Silvers

Dennis Silvers is an award-winning nationally syndicated radio/television talk show host. One of his radio programs, "The 19th Hole," is America's longest running golf talk radio program in America. His shows can be heard on Fox Sports Radio 920, ESPN Radio 1100 and CBS Sports Radio 100.5 fm/840 am in Las Vegas. His short feature, "The Golf Minute" is syndicated throughout the country and is also aired over American Forces Network throughout the world.

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