24 Simple Tips To Reduce Stress

With endless “to-do” lists, errands to run, family events and work deadlines, life can be overwhelming and extremely stressful at times. How do you kick back and relax without getting fired from your job or leaving civilization? The good news is, you can greatly reduce your daily stress level by incorporating the following 24 tips into your daily routine.
Improve Your Health With Less Stress
- Stay hydrated with filtered water and limit caffeine intake
- Eat a good breakfast high in quality protein
- Eat more whole foods and avoid processed, man-made products
- Include more magnesium-rich foods such as leafy greens and nuts
- Cook in batches to save time and dirty dishes
- Invest in a slow cooker or sous vide to make cooking easier
- Spend more time in nature and soak up some sunshine
- Move your body more by taking a 30 minute walk daily
- Spend quality time with pets, positive friends and loved ones
- Say “no” when you need to and don’t overcommit
- Do one thing at a time
- Simplify and de-clutter your living space
- Strive for progress, not perfection
- Relax and take time to “be” by unplugging for at least an hour daily
- Enjoy an epsom salt and lavender bath by candelight
- Drink chamomile or lavender tea
- Take the supplement Rhodiola to help your body adapt to stress
- Listen to relaxing music
- Read a positive or humerous book
- Meditate with an eye pillow
- Relax with a massage
- Practice breathing and yoga to calm the mind and relax the body
- Write in a gratitude journal for 5 minutes before bedtime
- Get more sleep (7-9 hours every night) by going to bed earlier
Make The Turn Health and Nutrition Initiatives Facilitated by CNK.