Posts Tagged ‘Jeff Ritter Golf’
Posted on: November 11th, 2012 by Jeff Ritter
By far one of the biggest frustrations for golfers is mastering the proper backswing sequence. Everyday on my lesson tee, I have players from all over the world telling tales of woe as it relates to how much they have struggled in this critical area. Your golf swing is highly Read more…
Posted on: November 9th, 2012 by Jeff Ritter
Belly putters have taken the Tour by storm and kicked up an almighty stink in the process. Some say they’re cheating, some players have been reborn because of them. I use one and I’m going to show you how putting a little trust in your gut can be the Read more…
Posted on: November 9th, 2012 by Jeff Ritter
Nothing grabs your attention like the word ‘power’. I just saw your ears perk up like a dog whose been called to dinner. I’m going to show you the no nonsense proven secrets guaranteed to help you absolutely kill it. Enough with the introduction, it’s time to get the Read more…
Posted on: November 6th, 2012 by Jeff Ritter
My good friend and mentor Mike LaBauve once told me a story about watching Greg Norman practice at the U.S. Open. The “Shark” was practicing in the chipping area, but he wasn’t hitting any shots. Rather, he was tossing balls underhand to the flag. Why? Well, Norman was trying Read more…
Posted on: November 6th, 2012 by Jeff Ritter
Healthy snacks can provide energy and nutrients to refuel your body and brain between meals. Snacks can also help you meet your daily nutrient requirements and prevent you from overeating at your next meal. Although most people grab a granola bar, pretzels or something out of a vending machine, Read more…
Posted on: November 6th, 2012 by Jeff Ritter
I can’t tell you how many people come to my lesson tee and say, “If I could just get rid of my baseball swing, then all my problems would be solved!” My initial thought is always: I wish you had a baseball swing, because it would help you play Read more…
Posted on: November 5th, 2012 by Jeff Ritter
Getting adequate sleep is one of the best and most enjoyable things you can do to improve your well-being. Sleep is therapeutic for the brain, transformative for the body and essential for optimal health. Sleep improves metabolism, aids weight loss, balances hormones, supports growth and healing, reduces depression and Read more…
Posted on: November 5th, 2012 by Jeff Ritter
Looking at this beautiful impact position of Steve Marino, you’d think he possessed a classic swing. Anyone who has seen Marino lashing about the fairways, however, knows that his technique might be a little closer to Bubba Watson or Jim Furyk than Ernie Els! I’ll point out all of the Read more…