Getsemani – Cartagena’s Up & Coming Community

Getsemani Umbrellas

Colors, fun, and charm are on full display in the improving Getsemaní section of the Walled City in Cartagena.

Once upon a time the Getsemaní section of the Walled City of Cartagena was the ghetto of the area, run down with poor inhabitants and decaying buildings. Like many areas, it is being “rediscovered” and those less fortunate are being forced to leave.

Getsemani Fruit Vendor

Have you ever seen such color? You might discover a special fruit flavor from this vendor.

Where there was rubble and decay, there is now an emerging neighborhood full of artists, poets, and writers. Artful graffiti and cool street art cover many brick and concrete walls.

Getsemani Wall Art

Artists post their work outside in hope of a sale.

At night, the place parties. The colors of the day transform into the rhythmic melodies of the evening. Picture a combination of New Orlean’s French Quarter and Old Havana. Rundown colonial buildings are being bought by investors with plans for upscale boutique hotels just a few years in the offing. It is less traveled than other parts of the city, but don’t wait, the charm is already there for an interesting walk.

Getsemani Wall Musician

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