I’m going to try something different with this piece – like starting out with a bunch of questions. Why? Because I am pretty darn confident that I will be able to light up your life. Or at least my discovery of a breakthrough product will.
Did you know that we need light just as much as we need water? Of course, too much sun can prove hazardous to our health.
You all experience stress, but do you find yourself unable to get rid of it?
Do you have aches or pains that keep you from enjoying life as much as you’d like? As we age, most of us do.
Do you seem to lack the energy or vitality that you used to have? Energy is the key differentiating factor in determining the quality of our life and what we can accomplish.
Is your skin aging with wrinkles or brown spots? Would you like to lessen them?
Are you suffering with hair loss or scalp problems? How about skin age spots and nail issues or arthritis issues with your hands?
Do you suffer from seasonal effect disorder when you are not getting enough light? Did you know that due to where we work and spend time, this is often now not just a seasonal issue, but a year round one?
Do you have trouble sleeping or do you get depressed for no apparent reason?
Perhaps you’ve tried exercise, diets, the best food, water, and vitamins, a positive mental attitude and perhaps hopelessly given up that the problem is your genetic DNA? It may be something else!
If you answered yes to any of the above issues, The DreamSpa may just be a miraculous solution to revitalize you.
With the development of quantum biology, scientists have learned that we have more plant-like characteristics than previously thought, and that light is at least as important to our health and proper aging as is water. Just like plants, we take light and convert it into human energy. It is an essential nutrient – food for the body. Researchers have also established that around the ages of 28-30, we tend to have more cells die than are being newly produced (anabolic cell renewal becoming catabolic). This first happens on a cellular level until our entire bodies ending up dying. More specifically, light makes the electron transport chain work, keeping us alive. When the body is afforded the proper doses of selected light frequencies, this aging process can be slowed down. Hence, light therapy has been recognized as a legitimate and effective anti-aging or healthy aging tool.
In the late 1980s, rudimentary light devices were introduced. The body of evidence associated with the necessity of light was not yet established and it was largely considered “voodoo science.” In the subsequent decade, quantum biology science did, in fact, correlate the crucial elements of light in triggering our nervous system and brain to being critical to healthy cell renewal, even essential to our very survival. Our bodies are like batteries that need to be recharged. As technology improved, expensive machines made their way to market, usually into medical spas or the homes of the very wealthy. Obviously this has not been affordable for most of us.
Now shift for a moment to the science of acupuncture. Millions benefit from this invasive form of primitive therapy in which needles are poked into the skin to stimulate the nerves to produce healthy reactions in our brains. The needles destroy millions of cells of connective tissue. Light can accomplish the same effects without damaging the epidermal. Unlike acupuncture, light therapy is not dependent upon the skill of the practitioner. In fact, with the proper application to the facial area, light therapy can act as a full-body acupuncture – with amazing results! This is where The DreamSpa comes in.
Sunlight is crude light with many harmful aspects. Now science has found way to isolate the four main bioactive wavelengths and like purified light, those are all that you are getting with The DreamSpa. You are provided just the right dose of this light to charge your body to optimal levels of regeneration.
What I have subsequently learned is that you can enjoy the best diet, best exercise, and health care, with a wonderful attitude and still have miss out. This is the “missing link.” Again, this is where The Dream Spa comes in.
The DreamSpa is the state-of-the-art modern day light therapy or more aptly termed an advanced photon energy system. A truly amazing product, it may address each of those issues I raised with the above questions. That said, when I first was introduced to The DreamSpa, I was skeptical.
As I investigated the science further, I learned that when you apply light to the human skin, you get four reactions: thermal, biochemical (enzymes), bioelectric, and bioenergetic. The clinical results are reduced spasm, pain relief, increased circulation, improved flexibility and function, more effective healing, and reduced symptoms of osteoarthritis. The face with its intense capillary areas along with its thinner epidermal layer serves as the best entry area to affect the entire body.
Let me relate my story. In investigating different varieties of health and anti-aging, I agreed to experience The DreamSpa for a 30-minute treatment (more time isn’t better). It is set with five different applications and I chose the Energy Renewal modality. On my first visit, I was really tired and could have used a nap. I enjoyed my treatment falling asleep during the last few minutes. I left the spa feeling a bit groggy, but gradually feeling peppy. I continued to an evening function, a lengthy banquet engagement. I left the banquet at 10:30 p.m. for a two-hour drive home. Normally, I would have had to stop for rest that late at night, but I travelled amazingly alert and refreshed. I chalked the experience up to the power of the mind – the Placebo Effect.
Two months later, I had another treatment. For the next two and a half days, I felt so clear and alert that I was able to buzz through a list of to-do items like a sharp knife through butter. About a month later, I had a third treatment and the effect was identical – an amazing quiet focused energy and great sleep for nearly three days! Wow! This DreamSpa treatment was truly amazing.
Then came my fourth treatment a few months later. Like my initial treatment, I entered the spa really tired, only this time I also left tired, and I experienced no latent boost in my energy. What happened? I then relayed my experience back to my hosts. Oops, my treatment was switched from the Energy Renewal mode to the “Blue Calm” Stress Relief one during that last session. Though my mind was primed for a long-term boost of energy, it never came because it was never given me. In other words, The DreamSpa did exactly was it was instructed to do, not what I anticipated it. In the end, this proved to me that The DreamSpa and not the Placebo Effect achieved my amazingly energetic results of the first three visits.
Since then, I got my own unit. It sells for $1,599 and is just as powerful as the commercial one that sold out at $20,000. The DreamSpa truly has no competition. Recently I saw a hand-held light machine on TV’s Dr. Oz Show that won kudos for its ability to decrease wrinkles by stimulating the natural release of collagen. You have to move it around your face with your hand being careful not to miss any spots. It is a tiring and cumbersome process, to say the least. Well, The DreamSpa does this too; only it covers your entire face in one restful 30-minute session and gives you with a spa-quality facial while also providing you with the equivalent of a full-body acupuncture and fantastic energy rejuvenation. You get your facial, but your enzymes, hormones, and nervous system are refreshed like never before in your life. If not with your first treatment, after a few treatments you will likely have more energy than you ever had in your life!
The DreamSpa is not only a light machine, but it offers three modalities that include Brainwave Enhancement. Our busy environment with so many visual and auditory distractions is taking a serious toll upon our health. (The reason why many need and enjoy meditation.) The DreamSpa adds to this a revolutionary trance program, which delivers profound stress relief to you. If you have your own tapes or prefer nothing, the system allows you to disable this feature with only the press of a button. Anyway, these help you more easily fall into a rejuvenating sleep in and outside of The DreamSpa, and deep sleep creates the deepest healing for the human body.
In addition to energy renewal and stress relief, here’s what else The DreamSpa can do: provide you profound sleep improvement, mood enhancement, brain rebooting, cosmetic rejuvenation (natural collagen release), and hand, hair, and scalp renewal.
For me, a second interesting development was that in the year between my last DreamSpa treatment and the home arrival of my DreamSpa I suffered from a gradual shoulder trauma. As a likely result of over-exercise and playing golf for nearly fifty years, I developed an aching tenderness in my left shoulder area (where I pull through in the golf swing). I tried massage, ointments, hot and cold treatments, and chiropractic care. It was suggested that I had developed scar tissue and that I might be able to minimize the pain, but probably not eliminate it. Through all of this, I experienced no relief whatsoever. After two light sessions with The DreamSpa, my pain has altogether disappeared and I am again swinging my golf club with full power and aggressively practicing with no discomfort whatsoever.
What can you expect? Everyone responds to the effects of The DreamSpa in different ways. Sometimes it takes only one or two 30-minute applications to see dramatic results. Others may take longer and the Company does not claim that it will cure all ills nor is it to be used as a medical or professional device. That said, it has performed magically for me and those I’ve shared my unit with.
The other nice aspect is that The DreamSpa is so easy to use. Plug the cord into the wall, pick the program you want, hit the start switch and slide the light canopy over your face and you get a timed 30-minute treatment. It’s not only all right to fall asleep; it’s encouraged. At the end of the period, the machine stops and after a moment or two of rest, you are totally refreshed to resume any activity. You can’t overdo anything and you can’t hurt yourself. Should your eyes be light sensitive, the unit comes with some eye protectors though most will find them unnecessary.
The DreamSpa is powered by safe 12 volt DC power with an AC adapter and fits comfortably in your bed, reclining chairs, couches, etc. It is built to last with eco-friendly materials, lead free, and 100% recyclable. It’s super red, blue, and infrared LEDs are designed for a safe and long life and covered for easy cleaning. The unit is not very big and can be carried around with you. A convenient carrying case is available separately.
So what does The DreamSpa offer? Well, it comes with a photo-facial/energy rejuvenation system, blue light therapy for sleep, jet lag and mood elevation, pain relief therapy, hair & scalp system, stress relief system, brain wave system, and age spot/hands therapy. No one else offers this extensive array of applications and if you were to purchase them with other products currently on the market, it would cost you between $2,800 and $14,700 dollars. It’s great for any age and any activity or lifestyle, and a real value at $1,599.
The best use of phototherapy is to use it once a day, though some may want to use it more than once. There is absolutely no pain or discomfort whatsoever, no medical risk, and no recovery time associated with any of the treatments. They build up with an accumulative benefit, but if you don’t use it you will gradually lose the benefits. It a lifestyle maintenance technology.
Having a home unit allows you to conveniently recharge your body. More than that, I predict that treating yourself to a daily light treatment will become as common as taking a shower – and perhaps more essential!
To find out more information or to order, go to www.lighthealthresearch.com. I am extremely pleased with the results I’m getting. Yes, The DreamSpa may be my very best discovery ever and I pleased to share it with you!

This product is not intended to be a medical or professional device, and the Company does NOT seek distributors. The author is not affiliated with The Dream Spa and did receive a unit for sampling purposes.