As Senior Writer for and from 2000 to 2005, Duncan racked up hard miles and long hours visiting virtually any nook or hamlet he could reach, writing profiles on everything from quaint country courses like Keystone Heights, with 9 eclectic but neglected Donald Ross holes, to power venues like the TPC Sawgrass Stadium Course. His writing soon branched out to national destinations, feature interviews and a bi-monthly column, The Armchair Architect, but his love and appreciation for golf and golf courses remained grounded in those grassroots excursions by Honda.
Duncan’s writing has appeared in numerous magazines including LINKS, The Met Golfer, Executive Travel, GO!, Golf Chicago, Avid Golfer, Golfstyles, Florida Travel + Life and others. He was a Contributing Editor at Travel + Leisure Golf from 2006 to 2009 and author of the “New Course Review” feature, and is a regular contributor to Sotheby’s RESIDE Magazine and Golf Georgia Magazine.
Before turning in his tastevin for a typewriter, Duncan was the Beverage Director at a nationally renowned restaurant in Boulder, Colorado, overseeing a one of only 72 Wine Spectator Grand Award-winning wine lists in the world. He now lives with his wife and children in Decatur, Georgia, and while he often travels via air on assignment, Duncan still likes nothing better than getting in the car and searching for that undiscovered gem. The Honda, however, has been retired.