The Swing Jacket Returns…Better Than Ever!

Swing Jacket's Bill Walsh practicingBill Walsh had to start all over again. A fire in 2007 at the facility producing his golf training aid, the Swing Jacket, put the company in a tough position. No inventory, no dies, no molds, no production…but Walsh used the set back to not only recapitalize his company but to redesign his Swing Jacket. 

Both are back better than ever.

“I believe we had just scratched the surface with Swing Jacket before the fire,” said Walsh, based in Calgary, Canada. “The product can really serve as a player developmental tool for the golf industry, because it makes learning the proper golf swing very simple. One of golf’s issues is that people walk away from the game because they find it just too difficult to learn. Swing Jacket addresses the issue head-on.” 

Swing Jacket was a success in its first life back in 2004 because it helped golfers feel what a good swing should be. It trained them to make the proper rotation, weight shift and follow through in a way that was repeatable with improvement coming after just a few swings. 

Walsh continued, “The product had developed such a strong reputation of delivering great results that after we ran out of inventory, used Swing Jackets were selling on E-bay for up to 1.5 times our price. I was getting phone calls and e-mails every day from people looking to buy the product. Now that we’re back on the market with an even better product, demand has been really strong.” 

“We spent 2 ½ years and almost $1M to bring the product to market,” said Walsh. “We retained the world renowned Human Performance Laboratory to help us understand the bio-mechanics of the optimal swinging motion and then distill that motion down to the core fundamentals that characterize it. Swing Jacket

In our testing of the Swing Jacket it was obvious Walsh had done a lot of serious thinking about the construction and materials but best of all we found this training aid was helpful in not only the full swing but with chips, pitches and putting. The Jacket is easy to use and the instructional DVDs featuring instructor Dave Bisbee are excellent. They show the proper way to use the Swing Jacket and Bisbee’s teaching style is top quality allowing him to impart a lot of information about the proper swing. He covers the setup alignment, the swing’s key motions and practical fixes for common swing faults, i.e., slices and pulls. 

The Swing Jacket is the only training aid to physically guide a golfer through a connected, on plane swing promoting a one piece take-away and correct impact position. The re-introductory price is $119.95 and to order visit

3 Responses to “The Swing Jacket Returns…Better Than Ever!”

  1. david lange


  2. Hartley Starkman

    I have a distribution company and access to virtually every golf company with access also to a large list of golfers themselves.

    Do you have a distributors price and want me to unload 200 of these?


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