The 2016 Ryder Cup Edition of The Grain is up and rolling to Minnesota. With the recent passing of Arnold Palmer, it’s reasonable to wonder if the U.S. team will have an extra emotional charge. But check this issue for what to watch for at Hazeltine, and a host of other articles:
>An examination by John Torsiello about the lopsided nature of international biennial competitions
>Whether Hazeltine was where the minimalist movement of golf course architecture began
>Souvenir merchandise from Ryder Cup 2001 (?)
>The road ahead to Ryder Cup 2018 means a trip to Paris, and Anita Draycott takes us there
>A look at the unique Ken Lanning Golf Center, specifically designed for children, veterans and the disabled.
>Our usual review of some necessary, or at least desirable, hard goods, soft goods and golf destinations
>And in the video lesson corner, a tip from Anne Cain of the PGA Tour Golf Academy on how to hit a buried lie in the bunker
Better to avoid the bunker altogether, perhaps, but play it safe and have a look anyway, and at the rest of the 2016 Ryder Cup Edition of The Grain.