Is The Extra Driving Distance Worth It?

court cook driver

(Photo by Court Cook)

We all want more distance, but don’t obsess or overdo your quest for it. Yes, exercise/stretching, club-fittings, nutrition, and lessons are always sage tasks for improving, but at some point you may no longer improve your distance no matter your age. Accept this.

The reason I write this is that I have witnessed many players, even TOUR level ones, ruin their games in a quest for more distance. By accepting this, you can again relax, which is actually also your best opportunity to hit the ball further. Did you know that by simply relaxing the chest muscles and shoulders inside and around the armpits and swing smoothly, you hit the ball further?

In the interest of your overall game, accepting the possibility that more distance may not happen allows you to securely focus on your short game, course strategy/decision-making, and self-image rather than remain in an anxious state of longing. Be inspired by the fact that most are intimidated by short-hitters who are good scorers and tenacious competitors. Build your identity as one who can score and win no matter how far you hit it!

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