How To Embrace Your Teenage Years and Remain Cool


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Of these three little green-caped tykes, they grow up fast. One is already a teenager, the second soon will be, and the youngest is witnessing it all!


We have three grandchildren. One has just become a teenager. Another is closely following, and the youngest has a few years remaining. Being a teenager has never been easy. Today’s generation is facing new and different challenges but those classic underlying challenges still remain. What advice might a grandfather give them?

For me, my teenage years were the most challenging of my life. It was a time of great transformation, so many changes in which most of the little things in life seemed almost gigantic. Where did I fit in? What was I working towards? Who would be my friends? Scary things and embarrassments that seemed traumatic were laughable less than a decade later. Blame some of that on hormones.

The cool kids did not all remain cool and the nerdy ones did not all remain nerdy. My contemporaries grew at different times, not only physically, but in every other way as well. Some blossomed after their teenage years while some of the more mature never matured further. Whether physically, intellectually, or socially, much that transpired during that time did not stay that way for very long thereafter. And the emotional highs and lows were great!

Today, with cameras and recorders everywhere, the Internet, and so much information and social pressures bombarding us, our teenagers have lots of new challenges even their parents never had. How do you stay cool and fit in while growing as a healthy young person?

Let’s ditch the idea that being cool is all about following some rulebook or checklist. Coolness is more about embracing your authentic self and radiating confidence. Ready for a crash course in teenage coolness? Let’s dive in.

Embrace Individuality: Coolness isn’t about fitting into a mold; it’s about standing out. Own your quirks, your interests, and your style. Don’t be afraid to be different – that’s what makes you intriguing. Some of any teenager’s biggest mistakes result from trying to copy the “cool kids.”

Cultivate Confidence: Confidence is like the secret sauce of coolness. Hold your head high, make eye contact, smile, and walk with purpose. You don’t have to be the loudest person in the room, but a quiet confidence is magnetic.

Be Kind and Inclusive: The coolest people are the ones who lift others up. Be kind, inclusive, and open-minded. Include people, smile often, and spread good vibes. Being cool doesn’t mean being exclusive – it’s about creating a positive atmosphere and treating all with respect. Minimize the gossip. And don’t forget most of all to remain kind to yourself.

Find Your Passion: Coolness stems from passion. Whether it’s music, art, sports, collections or deep discussions about the meaning of life, find what sets your soul on fire. When you’re passionate, that enthusiasm shines through and draws people in. Conversely, if you are having identifying a passion, don’t obsess and get upset. Sometimes those things take time.

Stay True to Your Word: Coolness isn’t about being a flake. If you say you’ll do something, follow through. Your reliability is a cornerstone of your cool reputation. Honesty is too. They are components of integrity. People respect those who can be counted on.

Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff: Cool teenagers roll with the punches. Life can be a bit of a rollercoaster, and it’s okay not to have it all figured out. Even your grandparents have not yet figured it all out. Stay chill, adapt, and learn from the bumps in the road. And if you’re not sure about what is the small stuff, don’t sweat that either.

Rock Your Style: Your style is your personal canvas. Whether you’re into streetwear, vintage vibes, or mixing it all up, wear what makes you feel like the rad person you are. Your style is an extension of your identity.

Be a Good Listener: True coolness involves connecting with others. Everyone appreciates being listened, heard, understood, and seen. Listening can be construed to being seen. So, be a good listener. Ask questions, show genuine interest, and let people know you value what they have to say. It’s not just about being heard but also about hearing others. Be respectable of those you disagree with. Give them space.

Handle Challenges with Grace: Life throws curveballs at everyone. Coolness is handling those challenges with grace. Stay calm under pressure, learn from setbacks, and bounce back stronger. Your resilience is seriously cool. This trait will serve you dividends as you get older.

Keep Your Sense of Humor: Laughter is the universal language of cool. Don’t take yourself too seriously. Embrace humor, find joy in the little things, and share a laugh with friends. Have fun and be fun, but be authentic. A good sense of humor is like a golden ticket to cool-town.

Be Open to New Experiences: Coolness is often found on the outskirts of your comfort zone. Be open to trying new things – whether it’s a different cuisine, a new hobby, or an unexpected adventure. Just be sensible. The more open-minded you are, the cooler your journey becomes.

Cultivate Genuine Friendships: Coolness isn’t about having a massive entourage; it’s about having a few ride-or-die friends. Cultivate genuine connections, invest time in meaningful friendships, and surround yourself with people who uplift you. Be the type of friend you want to attract and if others let you down, keep your boundaries, but forgive them.

Learn to Apologize: Even the coolest people mess up sometimes. Everyone does. Know how to offer a sincere apology, not only in word, but body language and deed. It shows maturity, humility, and a genuine desire to make things right. Real coolness involves accountability.

Be Present in the Moment: Cool teenagers know how to put down the phone and soak in the moment. Be present in conversations, appreciate the beauty around you, and live in the now. It’s a superpower in our distracted world.

Keep Evolving: The coolest people are in a constant state of growth. Be curious, embrace change, learn from experiences, and keep evolving into the best version of yourself. Coolness is a journey, not a destination. Having a growth mindset fed by curiosity is very attractive. Like wine, it ages well too.

In the grand scheme of things, coolness isn’t a fixed trait or a popularity contest. It’s a dynamic energy that comes from embracing your uniqueness, connecting with others, and navigating the teenage rollercoaster with style and authenticity. So, go ahead, be cool in your own extraordinary way. You’ve got this!

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