Don’t Believe a Word I Say or Write!

Yes, that’s correct.  Don’t believe a word I say or write about anything.

It’s better to know from your own perspective than to believe from mine.  Deep down your intuitive self, your genius (yes, you are one) knows what’s is true.  Let go of wanting to believe or searching for that perfect guru, expert, or authority figure, and giving your power away.

The more you trust in and honor yourself, the less you need to believe in others.

Beware those who claim to have all the answers.  The true “masters” would never make claims like that.

Does this mean that a coach such as Bob Fagan can’t be of real value?  No, most certainly not, and you can benefit from another’s perspective.  Rather listen, consider or observe what I have to say or write.  I’d like to think that I can be more of an “awakening” agent or enlarger.   The real power rests within you.  Work upon getting in touch with own intuitiveness and less upon reliance of others, and you will recapture your best essence.

Season’s Greetings!

Author & Performance Coach - Bob Fagan

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