Basketball player Michael Jordan or golfer Tiger Woods have both amazed us with their winning qualities. What traits propel them?
Whether you are a leader of an organization, an artist, musician, parent, child, or an athlete, there are five common traits we attribute to those we term “winners.” In fact, these traits become more like second-nature habits. Perhaps you are spending long hours at something with little or nothing to show for it or are immensely talented, educated, or skilled and are still frustrated. If so, please pay special attention to this brief list of 5 important traits.
Consider adopting or adapting to these habits – none of which will likely surprise you. Ignore them and don’t expect to be called “a winner.”
Winners are passionate about what they do. Passion is the fuel of life and winners intuitively grasp the “why” they do what they do. The golfer Arnold Palmer loves to play golf more than anything and Tiger Woods likewise is consumed with becoming continually better at his craft. Passion becomes the catalyst for their self-discipline. Don’t ask what motivates them, but instead ask “What motivates you?” You can’t wait for wait for someone else to motivate you for it won’t happen. No matter how much money and wealth tease us, they aren’t the motivators either. When your work matches your passion, it no longer is work, but playtime and you’re on a path to something meaningful.
Winners have intense focus and it is on their strengths and not their weaknesses. NBA Hall of Fame player Rick Barry once shared with me that “focus” was the secret to his success. Realizing that everyone does somethings badly, he further explained that one should cultivate their strengths or else you will end up clawing your way up to “average.” That said, you will want to ask and address, “What weakness(es) is blocking my progress?” Focus upon the traits you can correct (integrity, self-discipline, etc.) and capitalize on the skills you’re naturally good at.
Winners realize they must change from within. If your inner core is weak and fragile, your outer self will surely crumble under pressure. Inner fortitude always shines through. Three inner traits always worth cultivating are: a positive attitude, integrity, and self-discipline. I call that “bliss-ipline with truth.”
Winners value their processes (and that most definitely includes winning). Too many are concerned with the outcomes and not the process they must take to achieve their goals. True winners discover satisfaction and value in the process. Preparation is key to any outcome as is the lack of it, yet we so often get mesmerized with the feelings of the outcome – and that creates added needless pressure forgoing the very steps needed to win. Jack Nicklaus told me that this was one of his secret keys. 11-time NBA basketball champion Sam Jones of the Celtics likewise explained that this was the very trait that his legendary coach Red Auerbach used to coach them – become fundamentally sound by preparation and ignore the competition.
Winner persist. If you have ever met a true winner, they never quit, at least for long. Winners are stubborn so says golfer Jack Nicklaus. They ignore failure, critics, and rejection and consider every detour a learning opportunity. By now many know that Michael Jordan was cut from his high school basketball team, but persisted to become one the game’s all-time greats. Why we love what appear to be the stories of “overnight success,” the reality is that there aren’t any. Quit, and you’re guaranteed to lose.
And when those we call winners fall from grace or slump, it’s usually due to a lapse in one of these five areas.