The 2012 Olympics are over, but their lessons can be daily reminders for all. As you read this, hundreds of thousands around the globe are training for their Olympic attempt.
The Olympics are over. I along with many of you were transfixed for two weeks watching them on television. From sport to sport, I continued to be amazed by the enthusiasm, prowess, and dedication by ALL the athletes. Congratulations to the winners, but also just as much to every participant. In all that energy and activity, there was a mountain of inspiration and some lessons there for us. Here are three things the Olympic Athletes impressed me with that we all can use:
- Every single one of the more than 14,000 athletes from 205 countries would have been using positive visualization techniques in their training – are you?
- Every one of them have done their 10,000 hours in training for that ‘one’ critical moment when it really counts – have you?
- Simply by participating – even if it was to come in dead last – they took home memories, relationships, stories, and potential for the future. How are you showing up in your life?
The old saying that “it’s not whether you win or lose, but how you play the game” rings true. Do you play the game or are you stuck on the sidelines watching. Are you afraid you might lose or are you too embarrassed to try? I was plopped down on a couch for a good part of the time watching, but also inspired. I hope that moving forward, you are too.
No, we don’t have to be Olympians or even skilled weekend warriors, but how about just continuing to grow? Maybe you want to become more fit and healthy, learn a new skill, volunteer, take up a new hobby, dance, paint, or participate, read or write something. The point is to get off the sidelines, off your butt, and get more involved in life. On your deathbed will you take pride that you were a dedicated spectator or that you actually did something with the time you were granted?
If you are open to it, you might consider a healthy improvement regimen called the “90-Day Challenge by Visalus. Just before the Olympics began, I started this. While my weight has been fine, I had started to develop a bit of a gut and this seemed like the perfect way and time to eliminate it and develop a bit more energy. Others choose this to get lean muscle mass or lose weight. Well in just 25 days, I shed 10.5 lbs. and lost 22.5% of my body fat. There’s more work to do, but getting up and into motion has had many side benefits. You may choose something entirely unrelated, but the important thing is committing to getting involved in your life and not simply watch it pass. We can all be our own Olympians!
For more information on “The 90-Day Challenge,” go to: www.anumberone.bodybyvi.com.