Numbers and the 37th West Mich. Golf Show

Golf Show Opens Thursday, Feb. 6 at 1 pm

The Golf Show Opens Thursday, Feb. 6 at 1 pm.

“A good decision is based on knowledge and not on numbers.”

– Plato

(GRAND RAPIDS, Mich.) Plato didn’t play golf because it hadn’t been invented yet. But if he were a golfer, the Greek philosopher might have said: A good decision is based on knowledge and numbers. And attending the 37th annual West Michigan Golf Show on Feb. 6-8 at DeVos Place is a wise decision because of its numbers. For example:


That’s the total consumer spending at Michigan golf facilities, as reported in the 2023 Michigan Golf Economic Impact Study. Golf and tourism are big businesses in Michigan. The state’s top resorts and courses are at the Show.


Amount of money contributed over the last four (4) years by exhibitor American Dunes GC in Grand Haven to the Folds of Honor Foundation, providing life-changing scholarships to the spouses and children of America’s fallen or disabled military.


The number of members of the Golf Association of Michigan, the state’s largest golf body, and a loyal exhibitor since the Show’s inception in 1989. Patrons can sign up for or renew their GAM membership at the Show.


Number of program hours logged in 2024 by junior golfers of the First Tee of West Michigan.  At the Show, visit its Family Fun Golf Zone, which has unique features to nurture a lifelong love for the game.


The prize for sinking the final 50-foot putt on Saturday raises money for the Make-A-Wish Foundation.


The number of different golf products available and on sale at the Show by Maple Hill Golf.


The number of local tournaments in the US hosted annually by exhibitor Veterans Golf Association, dedicated to enriching the lives of Veterans and their family members through the camaraderie and sportsmanship of golf. 


The number of ‘early bird’ patrons receiving a free sleeve of balls for arriving on Thursday (only), when the Show opens, courtesy of Ferris State University (FSU). FSU is known for its Katke GC and the Professional Golf Management Program.


The payout ‘on the spot’ for every “mini-ace” at the Crystal Mountain $100 Hole-Out Challenge raises money for the Make-A-Wish Foundation.


Percentage of Golf Show attendees who purchased at the Show last year 


Juniors aged 14 and under are Free to get into the Show.


Price in dollars (sorry, no crypto!) of a ticket online or at the DeVos Place box office


Number of courses in Michigan for exhibitor Boyne Golf, including Doon Brae,

its new short course opening in 2025.


The date in February on a Thursday (new this year) when the Golf Show opens.


The time at the p.m. when the Golf Show opens on Thursday. Feb. 6.

Produced by ShowSpan Inc., the Golf Show is held at DeVos Place on Thursday, Feb. 6, 1 pm-7 pm; Friday, Feb.7, noon-8 pm; and Saturday, Feb. 8, 9 am-6 pm. (No Golf Show on Super Bowl Sunday.) Tickets: $12, Juniors 14 & under are FREE. Your ticket gets you free re-entry all weekend! Purchase your ticket at the box office or online with no added fees at

Sponsored by the Golf Association of Michigan, Ferris State University, ForeverLawn West Michigan, LeafFilter, and Tito’s. Benefitting charities are First Tee of W. Michigan, Make a Wish Foundation, Folds of Honor and Patriot’s Day.


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