Life is More Than Just a 3-Pointer: 8 Life Lessons from Steph Curry


In the last sixty years, no one under the height of 6’6″ has really changed the game of basketball, except one person, Stephen Curry. At a slender 6’2″, he would be one of the last people to draw your attention on a professional basketball court. Nevertheless, he is able to quickly shoot the basketball under the most stressful conditions and make the shot more effectively than anyone else presently living. Okay, his Dad, Dell, was blessed with a similar talent, but Steph has exceeded him and proven more than a basketball player; he’s a living testament to the power of perseverance, teamwork, and unwavering belief. Beyond his incredible shooting skills, Curry offers valuable life lessons that can inspire us all.

1. Believe in Yourself, Even When Others Don’t

Curry’s journey to NBA stardom was filled with doubters. He did not get the offer to play at his parent’s alma mater, Virginia Tech. He had to settle for little Davidson College. Undeterred, he trusted in his abilities and proved everyone wrong. This unwavering self-belief is a powerful tool for overcoming obstacles and achieving your goals.

2. Practice Makes Perfect (and Then Some)

Heredity never assures success. The hours Curry spent honing his craft are legendary. His dedication to perfecting his shot is a reminder that consistent effort is the key to mastery in any field. And be sure to practice the right things. Remember, success is often the result of countless hours of proper practice and refinement.

3. Teamwork Makes the Dream Work

Basketball is a team sport, and Curry epitomizes the value of collaboration. He never hogs the spotlight, but is quick to share it with teammates. His ability to communicate with and elevate his teammates and create a positive team culture is inspiring. Others relish the opportunity to play with him. In both our personal and professional lives, strong relationships and teamwork are essential for success.

4. Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish

Even at the pinnacle of his career, Curry maintains a relentless drive to improve. He takes this approach to everything. As a decent high school golfer, he has made himself into a better than scratch golf, quite an accomplishment. This insatiable hunger for success is a quality we should all aspire. Never settle for mediocrity; always strive for greatness.

5. It’s Okay to Be Different

Curry’s unique playing style has redefined the game. Curry appears sincere and comfortable with himself. His ability to thrive outside the box is a testament to the power of individuality. He embraces his vulnerability and authenticity in a way few others do, probably a contributor to his immense popularity. Embrace your quirks and differences; they are what make you special.

6. Resilience is Key

Basketball, like life, is a game of highs and lows. His professional career with the Golden State Warriors was not an instant success. Additionally, he faced some early career-threatening injuries early on. Curry worked on strengthening himself,  always bouncing back stronger. Cultivating resilience is essential for overcoming challenges and achieving long-term success.

7. Enjoy the Journey

While winning is important, Curry also seems to genuinely enjoy the game. If you ever watch him in his practice and warm-up sessions, he has a way of making everything fun and not taking himself too seriously. Finding joy in the process, rather than solely focusing on the outcome, can make a significant difference in our overall happiness and well-being.

8. Give Back

Curry is known for his philanthropic efforts, demonstrating the importance of using one’s platform for good. Giving back to the community in not only money, but sincere time involvement,  as Curry has, not only helps others, but also enriches our own lives.

Today, there are many little “Steph Currys” inhabiting basketball courts. While few will approach his basketball accomplishments, all of us can benefit by incorporating these lessons into our lives. Yes, we can all become a little more like Steph Curry: confident, determined, authentic, fun, and inspiring.

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