Need a few suggestions on New Year’s Resolutions? Better yet, why not commit to making them daily intentions? Here are a few to get you started, but I’m sure you can add or modify many more to fit you. Then again, why wait for January 1st?
- Give up TV. Tape all your favorite shows and save them. Then go back through them and see how many were that necessary.
- Give up online forums, especially if you feel you’re becoming forum addicted. This will help break the addiction and give you a clearer sense of how participation actually benefits you (if at all).
- Make a new friend a day. Meet someone new every day. Start up a conversation with a stranger and just observe what develops.
- Go out every evening for a month. Go somewhere different each time, and do something fun — this will be a memorable month.
- Spend 30 minutes cleaning and organizing your home or office every day for thirty days.
- Purge some of your clutter. List something new to sell every day, donate it, or simply throw it away.
- If you are single, ask someone new out on a date every week for at least three months.
- If you’re already in a relationship, give your partner a massage every day. Or offer to alternate who gives the massage each day.
- Drink more water and give up cigarettes, soda, junk food, coffee, or other unhealthy addictions.
- Go to bed an hour earlier.
- Become an early riser. Start by getting up 10 minutes early and then add 5 more minutes each day until you’ve achieved two hours.
- Keep a journal and write in it every day.
- Donate your time to someone for an hour a week.
- Call a different family member, friend, or business contact every day.
- Make 25 sales calls every day to solicit new business. Professional speaker Mike Ferry did this five days a week for two years, even on days when he was giving seminars. He credits this habit with helping build his business to over $10 million in annual sales. If you make 1300 sales calls a year, you’re going to get some decent business no matter how bad your sales skills are. You can generalize this habit to any kind of marketing work, like building new links to your web site.
- Read for a day on a subject that interests you.
- Meditate every day.
- Learn a new vocabulary word every day.
- Go for a long walk and/or exercise every day.
- Start a new “good” habit once a week.