10 Things “The Secret” Left Out About The Law of Attraction

umar-ben-4JQNbE6FC2A-unsplash(Photo Courtesy of Umar Ben)

“The Secret” was a very popular DVD movie expounding on The Law of Attraction that came to public attention beginning in 2006. A book of the same name was subsequently published by the author/creator, Australian Rhonda Byrne. It became an immense commercial success selling more than 30 million copies and translated into 50 languages. As such, it had many fans, but in time developed many critics as well.

Simply stated, the Law of Attraction is about energy frequencies and refers to a physical law that like attracts like. Expanded to people, what we focus on, we attract. Consequently, the state of our external world is a direct reflection of our internal one. It is a concept, and one of several, that I also agree with and have used successfully both personally and for my clients. Like everything else in this world, it does not operate independently of other forces.

Rhonda Byrne promoted the idea that this concept was auspiciously kept from the masses for centuries and with it, you could magically manifest anything you want. The subject of The Law of Attraction was hardly a new one when Byrne developed her offering. The subject had been referred to and espoused at least in the English language back to the later 1800’s though no one to my knowledge had verified Byrne’s conspiracy theories. Byrne updated the message for modern audiences. Her major contribution is that she brought attention to the concepts to many. Hers has been an uplifting and encouraging message, though simplified and incomplete. I feel that critics wrongly assailed the work for being blatantly materialistic, narcissistic, and greedy. That was not the creator’s intent nor what I mostly took out of it. Other critics more accurately critiqued the work for being simplistic and incomplete, and therefore sometimes misleading. That is where I side.

As a coach, and a student of The Law of Attraction (hereafter “LOA”) for at least two decades before Ms. Byrne came upon the idea, the following are some key things I feel “The Secret” didn’t explain:

Effort and Action: The book implies simply wishing or visualizing your desires is enough. However, the LOA is not a magic wand. Byrne’s message was to “ask for what you want, believe as if you have already received it, and be in alignment to receive. There is a fourth step that was omitted. You must take “inspired action.” For many, that would sound too much like work and was omitted from the text for it would not sell. Overt manifestation requires focused action, aligning your energy, and overcoming challenges. Byrne, herself, took massive, inspired action to make her message public. Had she only followed her 3-step program, nothing would have likely happened. She would have turned into a “wish fairy.”

Time and Patience: “The Secret” often portrayed manifestation as instant or effortless. However, significant goals often require not only sustained effort, but also patience, and even navigating setbacks. Impatience or placing a time frame on attainment takes one out of alignment sabotaging it. Trusting the process and celebrating small wins are key.

How To Ask & Receive: Many will be very precise with asking for what they want with such a fixed mind as to what will appear – a “red Mustang for example. The Secret did not emphasize to ask for what you want or “something better.” Sometimes the Universe does not give us want we want, but what we need or in a different form. It pays to be open to that.

External Factors and Limitations: The book can create unrealistic expectations by implying complete control over or alternatively responsibility with the outcomes. In the case of either good or unintended results, external factors play a part. If someone harms another, how can it be established that the victim attracted this? The other person’s energies, frequencies, choices, and even chance play a role. This was not addressed and has led many innocent victims to unfortunately feel shame.

The Importance of Gratitude: While The “Secret” emphasizes desires, true joy comes from appreciating what you already have. Cultivating gratitude attracts more abundance and fosters a positive, receptive mindset. Gratitude puts your energy in alignment with what “The Secret” espouses, but this is not developed.

Ethics and Responsibility: People find what they want to in life and “The Secret” is a perfect example. By my count, the movie had about half, but not all of the stories involving material-type things. Critics exaggerated this. The other stories were more about growth, accomplishment, relationships, and health. I feel that Byrne’s interpretation was to show what is possible and not intentionally promoting a self-centered approach. Regardless, the LOA should be used responsibly, considering the potential impact on others and the wider world. Adding a “for the good of all” to any LOA request would be a good thing.

Limitations of Individual Manifestation: Systemic issues like poverty or discrimination cannot be solely solved through individual manifestation. Collective action and addressing root causes are necessary for broader change. There was no discussion into how communities might leverage the LOA.

Shadow Work and Inner Healing: “The Secret” often glosses over the importance of addressing unconscious beliefs and limitations. These can quickly sabotage manifestation thus rendering one’s efforts as useless. Shadow work, facing your darkness, and inner healing are crucial for authentic transformation. These include the stories we tell about ourselves and what we believe about the world. These underlying beliefs may be at odds with your desires. With my coaching clients, their inner images would block any manifestation if left unattended.

The Role of Mindset: While positive thinking is crucial, ignoring negative emotions or pretending they don’t exist is unrealistic and unhealthy. Recognizing and processing negative emotions authentically is part of the journey. I believe in “Positive Psychology,” but not to the extent that it grows into “toxic positivity.” I did not find this discussed in “The Secret.”

Scarcity/Neediness: Many folks that really, really want something have gravitated to the LOA to help them. They try really hard, but by doing so, they sabotage the LOA because they are operating out of neediness. That neediness is a form of scarcity takes one out of alignment to receive. This was another important issue not addressed in “The Secret.”

In conclusion, “The Secret” served in elevating the LOA back into the mainstream conversation and awareness, and it provided a starting point for understanding its concepts. It did, however, lack depth and nuance and would not be my source to develop a complete or further understanding of the LOA. Remember, manifestation is a complex journey, and a growth mindset, openness, patience, healthy underlying feelings, and responsible inspired action along with a balanced perspective are keys to creating the life you desire.

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