In a cave in the woods,
in his deep, dark lair,
through the long, cold winter
sleeps a great brown bear.
I’ve lived in Vermont for 33 years now, and I never saw a bear until this summer, when one afternoon in late June one strolled right across our front yard.

He’s probably dozing now, like the bear in the verse above, from the children’s book Bear Snores On by Karma Wilson, illustrated by Jane Chapman. I gather the tale is about a sleeping bear whose winter den is invaded by a bunch of other animals and birds seeking relief from the cold, who start partying with tea and popcorn while the bear, as you might have guessed, snores on.

But he does eventually wake up to a party that’s been going on without him and then, well, no spoilers here. The book came out in 2002 and nine more books in the series have followed (the third being Bear Stays Up for Christmas).
I have no idea whether Zero Gravity’s beer Bear Snores On is named after the book—and inquires to the brewery are so far unanswered—but it seems a good bet. The label for the beer even resembles the book cover, though how many different poses can a sleeping bear strike?
It’s certain though that the beer is one worth partying with, though as a Russian Imperial Stout aged in whiskey barrels and finishing at 11.9% ABV, a full 16.9 oz. bottle may produce some snoring right quick.
Zero Gravity is in Burlington, Vermont, but the good news is that they’ve been distributing their prolific portfolio of excellent brews to ten states and D.C. Probably best known for their flagship beers—Green Green State Lager, Little Wolf Pale Ale, Conehead IPA, and Madonna DIPA—Zero Gravity is ever experimenting, and usually has a dozen beers on tap at the Pine Street tasting room.
Bear Snores On is part of their bottle series, one of which, Côte de Champlain, is a brilliant tribute to the Belgian Trappist ale Orval, one of my all-time favorite beers. If they brewed nothing else, Zero Gravity would rate a thumbs up from me.

But then they went ahead and brewed Bear Snores On as well, and it’s another terrific beer. A medley of malts go into it: Golden Promise, Munich, Chocolate, Roasted Barley and oats, with East Kent Goldings hops, and then the barrel-aging. It’s a rich brew, dark as a bear’s den, with little head but a profusion of flavors. Lynn actually liked this one, and noted aromas of chocolate and molasses, and went along with my assessment of a prune note.
There are some strong alcohol vapors coming out of the glass, and it has a full and coating mouthfeel, but it all goes down smoothly, more sweet than roasty, with a light but lingering tannic bite.
If there’s still some to be found, find it. As for me, I feel some zzzs coming on.
Name: Bear Snores On
Brewer: Zero Gravity, Burlington, Vermont
Style: Bourbon Barrel-Aged Russian Imperial Stout
ABV: 11.9%
Availability: Seasonally, VT, NH, CT, RI, ME, MA, NJ, NY, PA, VA, DC
For More Information:
[January 2, 2025]
< 12 Beers of Christmas 9: Guidon Belsnickel
12 Beers of Christmas 11: Fat Orange Cat Winter Warmer >