I’m into a less-is-more phase of my golf career. I’m reconciled to the fact that my game is what it is. Barring some kind of insane lessons-and-practice deal that is not going to happen, I’m never going to hit the ball far enough or high enough. And while I’d love to practice my short game more, living in the middle of Chicago, half an hour from the lamest driving range, let alone a real putting and chipping area, that’s not going to happen, either.
That’s OK. I just like being out there, and keeping it simple. Given the choice between an 83 in five hours and yet another 91 in three hours, give me the 91. Just don’t make me bet.
Along those lines, we’re going on a much needed Caribbean getaway, escaping the record 20-inch snow that has buried the city. Golf usually isn’t a high priority on this annual February trip, but the resort we’re trying—we have abandoned our beloved Ixtapa, Mexico, trip this year—is an all-inclusive in Punta Cana, Dominican Republic, that even includes three rounds of golf on its P.B. Dye course.
To keep it simple, we’ve decided one golf bag is enough. We’re each taking eight clubs, plus a sweet little Sun Mountain Sunday bag to go with my beloved Sun Mountain carry bag.
The question is, which eight?
I’m going with driver, 5-wood, 5, 7 and 9 iron, pitching wedge, sand wedge and putter.
My wife has a 3-wood, a hybrid, 4, 6 and 9 irons, pitching wedge, sand wedge and putter.
What would your eight be? If you could only have five clubs, which will be my next project if this goes well, what would they be?
Is it going to matter? I doubt it. I’m hoping not to miss any of the missing clubs. I like to walk and carry my clubs when I play. It would be great to know I can pull a few little-used clubs out of the bag on a hot day, and not be looking for them.
We’ll be gone a week. Results of the experiment to come after that.