Bad Car, Good Deal

Sometimes, renting a beautiful and luxurious car is simply not in the cards.
Sometimes, renting a beautiful and luxurious car is simply not in the cards.
Pose this question to any golfer and you’ll undoubtedly receive a resoundingly positive response: “If there was a program that could… Read more »
What can the Ten Commandments teach us about golf?
Do your homework before you bet the farm……
OK, I’m prepared. Now what? How do I get through this day?
There are times when every golfer would love to disappear from the course and end up anywhere else. Embarrassing times. Trying times. But yet, we still return.
What you wear can make or break your day and your reputation.
Pre-shot routines do not have to be time consuming nor complicated but in order to play better golf, you should have one.
The Imaginary Putt is a favorite exercise Dr. Jackie Odom, Ph.D. and I have conducted during our Positive Golfer classes… Read more »
THINK ABOUT THIS: You’ve had a magical few days when all is well with your golf game and bragging… Read more »