Taking Another Shot at Tiger

I’m not sure if I find the following press release from a golf course in southern Wales funny. Your votes?

Your Chance To Drive Like Tiger

A new target has become a smash hit for golfers using the practice range at Dewstow Golf Club.

The latest addition gives members and visitors a chance to bash a banger – and prove that Tiger Woods is not the only golfer who can wreck a car.

The idea of using a car for target practice has already been used successfully at a golf range in the United States and Steve Truman, the golf pro at Dewstow thought he would put an old Fiesta to use on the golf range near Caerwent.

“It has already proved to be a popular target,” he said. “For some reason people seem to enjoy demolition so we are giving them the chance to flatten the Fiesta.

“With the layout of the range you can also emulate Tiger by driving into a tree.”

The car will be moved to different areas and distances on the range and the scrap heap challenge will continue until it is destroyed.

So if you fancy making a real mark on your next practice session this is your chance.

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