Yes! If you feel confident over a shot, it is far more powerful than having (and thinking about) the proper technique. Especially in the short game, instincts and creativity are essential for hitting quality golf shots.
How do we build confidence? Effective practice is key. The short game requires a lot of repetition, but your practice needs to simulate golf. If you mindlessly hit 40 chip shots from the same location, you’re limiting your ability to adapt to the different shots that real golf requires. You will probably hit great shots in practice and not take that confidence to the course. Most of your short game practice should be like your real golf experience.
Structure your practice so that you are spending time simulating golf. Try hitting one golf ball from different places and then putt out. Or re-create pressure situations so that you can build confidence on the practice green that will transition to the golf course. Confidence is key for a great short game.
Dodie Mazzuca: dodiemazzuca@live.com