Putting Secrets: The Fab 5

Golf Ball Sitting on Edge of HolePutting techniques are very individual.  Decide on your best putting method and stick with it!

Here are five things that all  good putters do:

  • 1.  They practice putting a lot! (QUALITY REPETITION)
  • 3.  In their “mind’s eye”, good putters VISUALLY see the ball track into the cup before every putt.
  • 4.  They maintain a LIGHT GRIP PRESSURE throughout their entire stroke.
  • 5.  They create a “PENDULEM” movement with NATURAL ACCELERATION for tempo.

Learn from good putters, but commit to your own personal style.  As the  saying goes, “Be yourself, everyone else is already taken.”

Dodie Mazzuca is the Director of Instruction at Troon Country Club in Scottsdale, AZ (Oct-May).  She also teaches golf in Santa Cruz, CA (May-Oct).  To contact Dodie visit: www.DodieMazzuca.com


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ABOUT: Dodie Mazzuca

Dodie Mazzuca is a former LPGA Tour Player and the founder of Golf PROformance. She is currently the Director of Instruction at Troon Country Club (Scottsdale, AZ) and she also teaches golf in Santa Cruz, CA (May-Oct.). She was an NCAA Academic and Athletic All-American at the University of Washington in Seattle, WA. Her background in competitive golf, yoga, golf fitness, and technical training, assists her students in accelerating their learning process and playing better golf. www.DodieMazzuca.com

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