Ace Number 4 at the Fairmont Southampton Bacardi Championship, March 2011, on the 2nd hole. Dad always liked me in red.....
One day while playing, being held up by men
The talk turned to aces…….how many, and when?
Thirty years in the game, how long must I wait?
Dad (Buck) and two brothers, between them had eight.
My partner that day, hypontherapist Zoe
Simple answers supplied, “In the hole, see it go!”
Nice misses nor close, quite simply, won’t do
‘In the cup’ is your mantra…….you must visualize too!
Ten days soon passed, to the State Am I went
My mind strong and full, my gaze was intent.
And there on 11, the match stood 3-up
My 191-yard 2-iron sailed into the cup!
The goosebumps arose, my heart filled with love
For golf, life, and family, other gifts from above;
The quest for an ace, not so much mine, you see
But rather for Dad who sacrificed all…… for me.
His fondest desire for this daughter he taught
Was leaving the ranks of aces holed at naught;
The best thing to happen, far more than that too
Was the phone call beginning, ‘Guess what, Buckaroo?
Yes, the quest for an ace is an arduous task
Like searching for love, you get what you ask;
Eighteen years later the count stands at four
With Dad up in Heaven, I know there’ll be more.