If you were to refer to the Match Play Championship, held at Tucson’s Dove Mountain recently, as “a shootout,” then runner-up Martin Kaymer was dressed for the part. Wearing a “Buff”– a sort of scarf/facemask combo that could prove as popular with bank robbers as it does with fishermen, mountain bikers, skiers and other outdoorsmen– Kaymer rode off into the desert sunset with a powerful new fashion statement for golf. Even if he didn’t take the saddlebag of first prize money, too.
Kaymer, who has shown true grit in his ascension to World #1, sported the Buff to fend off unexpectedly cold weather in Arizona. Unfortunately, he didn’t fend off Luke Donald.
For those of you who have been waiting since sans-a-belt pants for a new look to sport on the course, the Buff comes in an almost infinite numbers of patterns and designs and can be worn in a dozen ways. It’s available in Coolmax Extreme fabric that wicks sweat– keeping you cool in the heat, warm in the cold, and always dry while it blocks 95% of UV rays. For more info visit the cool website at www.buffusa.com.