Common Roots Brewing Co. opened late in 2014 and was on the verge of expanding in 2019 when a fire destroyed its operation in South Glen Falls, New York. It rose again like the Phoenix, with so much help from the local community, that the Weber family (founders Bert and his son, Christian) dedicated themselves to a community-focused outlook.
That included establishing the Common Roots Foundation, with the mission statement: “To support local efforts that promote community wellness and environmental stewardship, and assist those in times of need.”
It all seems to have worked out pretty well. In late October a new Bierhall & Barrel House opened, the new coffee roasting sideline is chugging along, as is the new seltzer line (hard seltzer and non-alcoholic hop water), and later this year a new outlet will open in the capitol in the old Albany Pump Station, purchased from the former C.H. Evans Brewing Company.
At its own tap room, today’s menu at Common Roots listed 32 available beers. Including Snowy Night and Snowy Night Coconut. (There’s also a Snowy Night S’mores version.) The latter obviously adds coconut to what the brewery already describes as, “A deliciously decadent Double Stout brewed with natural vanilla beans and lactose. Notes of vanilla ice cream, dark chocolate and marshmallow make it a perfect pairing for cool temperatures and warm friendships.”
As I noted with last year’s Gingerbread S’mores Stout from Black Hog Brewing, bells go off when I hear “marshmallow” in the same sentence as “beer.” More often than not, it doesn’t work for me.
I gave Black Hog’s beer a pass last year. And faint praise to the Candy Cane Nitro from Left Hand this year. But Common Root’s is just a little too sweet for me. The addition of vanilla puts it over the edge. It’s a perfectly fine beer, thick, smooth, rich, dark as night and surely suitable for cold ones. But 16-oz. was my limit. Milk Stouts tend to be sweeter than Dry Stouts to begin with, thanks to the lactose addition. Which is why I tend to lean toward Dry Stouts to begin with.
If you’re a milk stout fan, give it a try by all means. As for warm friendships, I have a friend who likes his beers dark, and I intend to pour him one in a couple of nights. Which might just be snowy.
Name: Snowy Night
Brewer: Common Roots Brewing Co., South Glen Falls, NY
Style: Milk Stout with vanilla
ABV: 8%
Availability: Seasonally, in NY, NJ, PA, CT, , MA, VT
For More Information: commonrootsbrewing.com
[January 4, 2024]
< 12 Beers of Christmas 10: Baxter Brewing Ice Storm of ‘98
12 Beers of Christmas 12: Allagash Snow Report >