It’s Festivus for the rest of us, and some of the rest of us arrived tonight, the three grandkids, with their folks expected later on after, I hope, I’ve gone to bed.
There were no particular airing of grievances as Festivus calls for, as “Seinfeld” fans may recall, even after I forced the girls into trying tonight’s beer, since Lilah is not a big beer fan. Abby will gladly try a beer; Nate doesn’t drink at all (where did I go wrong?).
The only feats of strength were lifting glasses of Greater Good’s Powder Season, a Winter Ale made, so it says on the can, “WITH REAL CHERRIES.” The cherries are said to be sweet and tart, the malt bill a German wheat and as is the brewery’s wont, the beer is a hefty one at 8% ABV.
All of the Worchester, Massachusetts brewery’s beers are 8%–or higher—because that’s its goal as an “Imperial” brewery, as explained back in 2021, when Greater Good’s Gingerbread Ale made the list.
(The brewery does have a side program called Soul Purpose Brewing, and the sole purpose seems to be producing less potent brews, in the 5% range.)

Another goal is to make strong beers that don’t have an excessive alcohol burn, and this year as in 2021, Greater Good decidedly succeeds. Although that gives rise to a mild grievance on my part. I’d like to feel more heft to the beer than is apparent here, the same quibble I had back in 2021. If I’m drinking an 8% beer, I’d just as soon know it as it’s going down, rather than realizing it with a subsequent headache.
There was no question as to the ginger character of the Gingerbread beer. The cherry influence here is not as distinct, and I felt a little letdown there, too. But it’s there, and the beer as a whole is tart and refreshing. My wife and the two girls had a taste. Lynn immediately picked out a sour cherry character. Abby and Lilah named about every fruit under the sun until I gave it away, and then it seemed more apparent to them.
Lynn said the color was ruby amber. I thought it was apricot, Lilah golden brown, Abby thought it looked like a soft pretzel. I love these tasting panels! Both girls thought the beer was on the light side. Lilah thought it smelled better than it tasted, but that it was okay. Abby said she would drink it again.
I did drink it again, and now my grievance, after everyone has retired for the night, is a slight headache. Luckily, at least at this point, not an imperial one.
Name: Powder Season
Brewer: Greater Good Imperial Brewing, Worcester, Massachusetts
Style: Wheat Winter Warmer with fruit
ABV: 8%
Availability: Seasonally, in MA, RI, CT, PA, NY, NH, VT, ME
For More Information: www.greatergoodimperials.com
[December 23, 2024]
< 12 Beers of Christmas 1: Berkshire Brewing Holidale 2024
12 Beers of Christmas 3: Hardywood Gingerbread Stout >