Fly Fishing

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Bristol Bay (Alaska), Recommended by Leon Gorman

A fine "leopard rainbow" from the Kanektok, one of the famed rivers flowing into Bristol Bay.

The Bristol Bay area of Alaska, two hundred miles southwest of Anchorage, offers some of the greatest fresh water fishing diversity available anywhere. During the short Alaska summer, visitors can anticipate tussles with one or more species of Pacific salmon (what you’ll catch depends on when you visit), rainbow trout, grayling, arctic char, resident and sea-run Dolly Vardens, pike and lake trout. The fisheries vary from bigger rivers like the Togiak, Nushagak and Wood to lakes like the Nuyukuk and Tikchik to countless unnamed creeks. Three mountain ranges – the Kilbuck Mountains, Taylor Mountains and the Aleutian Range – and abundant wildlife (including brown bear, moose, and caribou) provide the classic Alaska backdrop that visitors anticipate.

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Feed Your Fish Head

Steelhead obsession, northern California dope farmers and Berkeley hippies (circa 1970) all collide in this short story.