[Dec. 21, 2024]—It’s the Winter Solstice, the shortest day of the year, so the good news is that it’s getting brighter from here on out. More good news was Deschutes Brewery’s Jubelale showing up on my doorstep a few days ago, and taking that as a starting gun, it’s time to get the 2024 12 Beers of Christmas up and running.
This will be the 13th annual edition, meaning by the end of this season’s endeavor I will have happily gone through 156 holiday beers over the years. (Counting new renditions of Anchor Brewing’s Christmas Ale each year, until its untimely end.)
For those stumbling into this for the first time, it’s a simple enough premise—thanks to Anchor’s almost single-handed revival back in 1975 of the tradition of brewing special brews for the holiday season, dozens of breweries—well, more clearly and accurately, hundreds—began to do the same.
So for the last dozen years I’ve guzzled 12 a year—Christmas ales, Hanukkah ales, winter warmers, call them what you will—and attempted to give some holiday-spirited reviews with ample context for the beer and brewery. The write-ups for each of the 144 beers so far are linked to below.
I try to accomplish this mighty task in 12 straight days, and I usually fail, mainly through exhaustion. I have absolutely no problem in indulging in the beers, roping in as many co-conspirator tasters as I can, but the write-ups are murder, especially after midnight on Christmas Eve when I still haven’t finished my wrapping. Just the same, I try to get it done before the actual twelfth day of Christmas, Epiphany, January 6.
In 2023, there were a couple of firsts. It was the first time not leading off with an Anchor Our Special Ale, and the first time featuring two different beers from the same brewery, Allagash: if you’re going to feature two beers from the same brewery, Allagash is good bet, and so it proved. (Spoiler alert: Allagash will indeed show up again this year.)
The 2022 Reprise tells the sad tale of Anchor’s demise in San Francisco. The theoretical good news this year came in late May when Chobani yogurt founder and CEO (and billionaire) Hamdi Ulukaya’s family business, Shepherd Futures, bought all the Anchor assets. Ulukaya said plans were afoot to reopen the brewery by the end of this year, but it clearly hasn’t happened yet, which is why the good news remains theoretical.
As I said last year, the regrettable absence of Anchor did promote both Sierra Nevada Celebration Ale and Deschutes Brewery Jubelale as the two longest-lasting Christmas beers in the U.S. (Celebration since 1981, Jubelale since 1986). So I take that as sound enough premise to rev up the engines with them each year. It’s always worth it to add Samuel Adams Winter Lager, too, and maybe a Samuel Smith Winter Welcome if I can track one down.
I gathered a few in the photo up top (that’s the Jubelale in the glass), along with the 2020 Anchor Our Special Ale, one of three renditions I’ve been hording in the cellar (i.e., garage). Only 2021 and 2022 to go. I polished off the Anchor tonight as well, and it was holding up, its flavors only somewhat diminished four years down the road.

Other than changing its recipe every year Anchor also put artwork of different trees on its labels. The recipes of the other beers remain the same year to year but Deschutes does find a new artist every year to design its packaging. This year it’s Evan Namkung from Bend, Oregon, an artist and muralist from Bend, Oregon, often including animals in his works.

Of the Jubeale design he said, “I chose colors and flow that represent calm, quiet, and peacefulness, which I associate with the holiday season. It’s a time where things slow down and I can take time to appreciate what’s around me and who I spend it with. The color choice of the elk has a clear point of warmth to represent energy, family and togetherness. Additionally, even though there is only one animal subject in the design, I wanted to choose an animal that is not solitary in nature (elk live in larger herds) to represent the spirit of the holidays and being with loved ones.”
Back in late October Namkung showed up at the brewery and spent the afternoon creating a mural of his Jubelale artwork, subject of neat Instagram post:
As for the 2023 beers it was, for the second time, an all-USA list. (We’ll have a grand total of one or two imports coming up this year.) It was also a more potent list than 2022, with all but two of the beers over 6% ABV. The Abita Christmas Ale and Baxter’s Ice Storm were the “milds” of the group, at 5.5% and 5.8% respectively. At the north pole, Gatherwell from Allagash and Holidale from Berkshire Brewing were each a whopping 11%.
All were solid, well-made beers. I could have lived without the Baxter, simply because I’ve kind of had it with the hazy New England IPA style. So, too, with milk stouts like the Left Hand Candy Cane Nitro and Common Roots Snowy Night, which I tend to find too sweet. But to be frank, I drained them all.
That left nine beers I’d gladly revisit, in particular both Allagash entries, the People’s Pint From Nova Scotia and Victory Merry Monkey. I loved the Holidale, too, but that was a one-off, as Berkshire Brewing also changes its recipe from year to year. They may well make the list again.
Starting tomorrow, we’ll see what this year has in store.
Here are the links to the 144 beers under our belt so far:
The 12 Beers of Christmas
1 Revolution Fistmas
2 Allagash Gatherwell
3 Breckinridge Christmas Beer
4 Abita Christmas Ale
5 Ommegang Everything Naughty
6 Left Hand Candy Cane Nitro
7 People’s Pint From Nova Scotia
9 BBC Holidale Triple IPA
9 Victory Merry Monkey
10 Baxter Ice Storm
11 Common Roots Snowy Night
12 Allagash Snow Report
1 Anchor Our Special Ale 2022
2 Three Taverns Feest Noel
3 Black Hog Gingerbread S’mores Stout
4 Two Roads Holiday Ale
5 Fremont Brewing B-Bomb
6 Lone Pine Winter Carnival
7 Samuel Adams Old Fezziwig
8 Woodstock Inn Brewery Wassail
9 Smuttynose Ice Dam(n) Cold IPA
10 Four Quarters Sugar Plum Fairy
11 Rock Art Winter Bock
12 Schilling Winterhammer
12 Beers of Christmas 2022 Reprise
1 Anchor Our Special Ale 2021
2 Shiner Holiday Cheer
3 Skygazer Watercolors Christmas Creamee
4 3 Floyds Alpha Klause
5 Deschutes Cherry Jubelale
6 Four Quarters Krampus Nacht
7 pFriem Belgian-style Christmas Ale
8 d’Achouffe N’ice Chouffe
9 Ommegang Everything Nice
10 Southern Tier Frosted Sugar Cookie
11 Greater Good Gingerbread Ale
12 Mikkeller Santa’s Little Helper
(Evil Twin Aún Más Chili Jesús)
12 Beers of Christmas 2021 Reprise
1 Anchor Our Special Ale 2020
2 Liambru Tasty Arctic Al
3 Four Quarters Buffalo Plaid
4 Fantome Hiver
5 Einbecker Winter Bock
6 Glazen Toren Canaster Winterscotch
7 Prairie Artisan Seasick Crocodile
8 Straffe Hendrick Xmas Blend
9 Shipyard Prelude
10 Pipeworks Rudolph vs. Unicorn
11 Harpoon The Long Thaw
12 Mad Elf Grand Cru
12 Beers of Christmas 2020 Reprise
1 Anchor Our Special Ale 2019
2 Brooklyn Winter Lager
3 Stony Creek Winter Weight
4 To Øl Santa’s Secret / Frost Bite
5 Four Quarters The Gifts of the Magi
6 Weird Beard Brew Co. Black Christmas
7 Struise Tsjeeses Winter Ale
8 Wormtown Blizzard of 78
9 Shmaltz Chanukah, Hanukkah: Pass the Beer
10 Avery Old Jubilation
11 Trois Dames Winter Sour
12 Berkshire Brewing Holidale
12 Beers of Christmas 2019 Reprise

1 Anchor Our Special Ale 2018
2 Mikkeller Win Bic
3 To Øl Santastoque
4 Samichlaus Helles
5 Berkshire Brewing Holidale
6 Troëg’s Blizzard of Hops
7 Samuel Smith Winter Welcome
8 Anderson Valley Winter Solstice
9 Hermit Thrush Dark at 4:30
10 Prairie Artisan Ales Christmas Bomb
11 The Bruery 11 Pipers Piping
12 De Dolle Stille Nacht
12 Beers of Christmas 2018 Reprise
1 Anchor Our Special Ale 2017
2 Rogue Yellow Snow Pilsner
3 Baird Jubilation Ale
4 Thiriez Bière de Noël
5 Saison Saint Médard Cuvée de Noël
6 Ommegang Winter Is Here
7 Birra del Borgo 25 Dodici
8 Port Brewing Santa’s Little Helper
9 Lost Abbey Gnoel de Abbey
10 Nøgne Ø Special Holiday Ale
11 Upslope Christmas Ale
12 Mikkeller Ris a la M’ale
12 Beers of Christmas 2017 Reprise
1 Anchor Our Special Ale 2016
2 Great Lakes Christmas Ale
3 New Belgium Anne-Françoise Spiced Imperial Dark Ale
4 Spencer Trappist Holiday Ale
5 Le Trou Du Diable La Grivoise De Noël
6 Blaugies La Moneuse Special Winter Ale
7 Aegir Bryggeri Julebrygg
8 Dieu du Ciel Solstice d’hiver
9 Haandbryggeriet Nissefar
10 Allagash Hibernal Fluxus 2016
11 Kerstmutske Christmas Nightcap
12 Scaldis Noël Premium
12 Beers of Christmas 2016 Reprise
1 Anchor Our Special Ale 2015
2 Jewbelation 19
3 Warsteiner Winter Special Edition
4 Jolly Traveler Winter Shandy
5 Magic Hat Feast of Fools
6 Page 24 Bière de Noël
7 AleSmith Double Red India Pale Ale
8 Smuttynose Smistletoe
9 Wychwood Bah Humbug Christmas Ale
10 Ridgeway Lump of Coal
11 De Ranke Père Nöel
12 The Bruery 8 Maids-a-Milking
12 Beers of Christmas 2015 Reprise
1 Anchor Our Special Ale 2014
2 Harpoon UFO Gingerland
3 Hanukkah, Chanukah Pass the Beer
4 Guinness The 1759
5 Samuel Adams Merry Maker Gingerbread Stout
6 Elysian Bifrost Winter Ale
7 Ommegang Adoration Dark Winter Ale
8 Deschutes Jubelale
9 Petrus Winter #9 Ale
10 3 Sheeps Ewephoria
11 Baladin Nöel
12 St. Bernardus Christmas Ale
12 Beers of Christmas 2014 Reprise
1 Anchor Our Special Ale 2013
2 Troëg’s The Mad Elf Ale
3 Victory’s Winter Cheers
4 Magic Hat’s G-Thing
5 10 Barrel Brewing Pray for Snow
6 Corsendonk Christmas Ale
7 Mahr’s Bräu Christmas Bock
8 Sixpoint Global Warmer
9 Nöel des Géants
10 Mikkeller Hoppy Lovin’ Christmas
11 Harpoon Winter Warmer
12 Dupont Avec les Bons Voeux
12 Beers of Christmas 2013 Reprise

1 Anchor Our Special Ale 2012
2 Nogne Ø Winter Ale
3 Samuel Adams Winter Lager
4 Southern Tier 2XMAS
5 St. Feuillien Cuvée de Noël
6 Delirium Noël
7 Newcastle Winter IPA
8 Jolly Pumpkin Noel de Calabaza
9 Gouden Carolus Noël
10 Otter Creek Winter Red Ale
11 Magic Hat Wooly
12 Element Winter Ion